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Expedited production of transcripts for appeals against imprisonment for contempt
11 December 2014

HHJ Pelling QC wishes members to be aware of the following practice. In cases where a sentence of imprisonment has been imposed for contempt of court and the contemnor wishes to appeal or seek permission to appeal, the letter requesting that a tape recording of the hearing be sent to transcribers should state prominently that the transcript is needed urgently and in aid of an appeal against a sentence of imprisonment. Providing that requirement is complied with, (a) receipt of the request will be acknowledged by email on the same working day that the request is received and (b) the request will be processed on the same working day that it is received.

Ms Healy at Manchester CJC has said that in the event that an acknowledgement has not been received by 12 noon on the working day that the request is received, contact should be made with her on her direct line here - 0161 240 5002 - and she will ensure that the request is processed.

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24 November 2015

Annual Dinner, 24 November 2015...

Save the date! This year’s dinner will be held in Manchester on 24 November 2015. Formal notification to follow. To reserve a place now, please email ... more